
This package uses zest.releaser to automate the release process. This automatically updates the changelog.rst, files and handles tagging with git and pushing releases to github.

API interactions with Github now require the use of personal access tokens. Before your first release creation, create a personal access token as described in the github docs and:

  • Set the experiation to “no experiation” to allow it to be saved into your azanium config file for later reuse.
  • Grant user and repo scope permissions.

You will be asked to provide this access token through the CLI during release creation.

Having checked out the master master branch, and merged the develop branch in:

  1. Ensure the necessary dependencies and versions (particularly pseudoace), have been updated in the src/azanium/cloud-config/versions.ini file.

  2. Edit the change-log to say what’s been changed. Leave the header as:

    <version-number> (un-released)
    - <Your changelog entry here>
  3. From the root of the project, run:

    make release

    Accept the default on most questions, unless you are sure that’s not what you want.

    (Typically, it’s safe to accept the default for all questions)

db-migration deployment

After creating a new release, deploy the new version on the wb-db-migration EC2 instance.

# SSH into the `wb-db-migration` EC2 instance (as `ec2-user`)

#Switch to datomic_build user (prevent permission problems)
sudo -u datomic_build -i

#Check the currently installed azanium version
pip3 freeze | grep azanium

#Install the latest azanium version (replace RELEASE_TAG)
pip3 install --user "${RELEASE_TAG}/azanium-${RELEASE_TAG}-py3-none-any.whl"

#Check the new azanium version installed correctly
pip3 freeze | grep azanium

azanium --help